Terms and Conditions for Backpage.club

Welcome to Backpage.club, the premier online platform for connecting individuals for dating and companionship. Before you begin using our platform, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with and agree to our terms and conditions. We have outlined the dos and don'ts to ensure a legal and enjoyable experience for all users. Rest assured, we've got you covered!


Backpage.club is an online classified ads website dedicated to facilitating connections between individuals seeking dating and companionship. By using our platform, you acknowledge and accept our terms and conditions.

Definitions: To ensure clarity, let's define some key terms associated with Backpage.club:

Posting Rules: These are the regulations set forth by Backpage.club that must be followed when creating and posting content. These rules include providing accurate personal details, adhering to legal boundaries, and avoiding prohibited content.

User Content: User-generated material posted on Backpage.club Please note that Backpage.club is not responsible for the accuracy or legality of user content.

Prohibited Content: Content that violates the law or our posting rules. This includes, but is not limited to, promoting prostitution or illegal sexual activities, racist or discriminatory material and violent or hate speech.

Terms of Service: The agreement between users and Backpage.club that outlines the terms and conditions for using our website By utilizing our services, users are bound by these terms and conditions.


To use Backpage.club, users must agree to our terms and conditions. These rules state that users must be at least 18 years old to create an account. It is essential to provide truthful information when setting up your profile and refrain from engaging in any illegal activities. Furthermore, we expect all users to treat fellow members with respect and refrain from harassing or discriminating against others. By signing up, you agree to abide by these rules. Failure to comply may result in account suspension or termination.

Account Registration:

To register for an account on Backpage.club, you must read and agree to our terms and conditions. These rules are in place to ensure a secure and seamless experience for all users. The terms cover the following aspects:

User Eligibility: Only individuals who are 18 years of age or older are eligible to create an account on Backpage.club.

Data Usage Policy: Backpage.club utilizes user data solely for internal purposes and does not share or sell it to third parties.

Code of Conduct: We enforce strict regulations against offensive content and behavior on our platform. Violation of these rules may lead to account termination.

Liability Disclaimer:  Backpage.club cannot be held responsible for any harm caused by user interactions with other members.

By registering an account on Backpage.club, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

User Content:

Backpage.club, as a popular user-generated content website, imposes certain terms and conditions that all users must adhere to. Here are some key points to remember:

  1. You must be 18 years or older to join our platform.
  2. Engaging in illegal activities such as solicitation, prostitution, or human trafficking is strictly prohibited.
  3. Do not post copyrighted or explicit content. Violation of this rule may result in account termination.
  4. Please note that Backpage.club does not verify user-generated content or profiles. Users are responsible for their own interactions and assume the associated risks.
  5. Backpage.club reserves the right to remove content or accounts without prior notice.

Pro Tip: Prior to joining any user-generated content website, it is crucial to thoroughly read and understand the terms and conditions to avoid legal complications.

Privacy and Security:

Protecting your privacy and ensuring your security are top priorities at Backpage.club. By using our website, you agree to our terms and conditions, which outline how we collect, use, and safeguard personal information.

Backpage.club understands the importance of privacy and takes measures

to protect your data to the best of our ability. We collect basic information such as name, age, gender, and location for matchmaking purposes. Additionally, we may employ cookies and collect browsing data for analysis and optimization.

While no platform can guarantee 100% security, it is advisable to practice safe browsing and avoid sharing sensitive information on our site.

Pro Tip: Before agreeing to use any website, make sure to read and comprehend its terms and conditions. Understanding what you are consenting to is essential.

Termination and Cancellation:

Backpage.club functions as a platform for personal ads. If you wish to terminate your account, please review the following terms and conditions:

Users have the option to close their account at any time by logging in and selecting the "Delete Account" button.

Backpage.club may also terminate or suspend an account if a user violates our terms of service or fails to use the account for six consecutive months.

No refunds will be provided if a user terminates or cancels their account before their subscription period ends.

When an account is terminated or canceled, all user data, including personal information, messages, and ad posts, will be permanently removed from Backpage.club.

Before terminating your account, we recommend reviewing your data and saving any important information for future reference.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability:


Disclaimers and limitations of liability play a crucial role in any online platform, including Backpage.club. Our Terms and Conditions begin with a disclaimer regarding the provided information's accuracy, completeness, and reliability. We advise users not to overly rely on this information.

The Limitation of Liability section states that Backpage.club cannot be held responsible for any damages, losses, or injuries resulting from the use of our platform, including user-generated content or external links.

Take the time to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of any online platform before using it. It is crucial to be aware of the responsibilities and limitations of both the platform and the user.

Pro Tip: Always read and understand the terms and conditions before using an online platform.